赵敬芬,女,讲师,山东大学博士,研究方向为凝聚态物理。近年来一直从事纳电子器件的设计和电输运特性的理论研究工作,在模型建立、理论计算和数据分析等方面积累了丰富的经验。目前发表 SCI 论文 6 篇,部分结果已发表在 Organic Electronics, RSC Advances 等刊物上。主要从事主讲本科生和专科生C语言程序设计、力学、大学物理、大学物理实验等教学工作。
1.Jing-Fen Zhao, Chuan-Lu Yang*, First-principles analysis of the effect of contact sites on electronic transport properties of diaminofluoren,Physica B,2013,417,70-74.
2.Jingfen Zhao, Desheng Liu*, Electronic transport properties of a dithienylethene-based polymer with differentmetallic contacts, RSC Advances,2014,4(77),40941-40950.
3.Jingfen Zhao, Desheng Liu*, Spin transport properties in Silicene-based heterojunctions with different edge hydrogenation,Organic Electronics,2017,41,333-339.
4. Jingfen Zhao, Desheng Liu*, Spin-filter silicene devices induced by asymmetric electrodes, Organic Electronics, Organic Electronics, 2017,49,187-193.
5. Jing-Fen Zhao*, Spin transport properties for B-doped zigzag silicene nanoribbons with different edge hydrogenations,Chin.Phys.B,2021,31,017302.
6. Jingfen Zhao, Zaifa Yang*, Structure and photoluminescence of Eu3+ doped Sr2InTaO6 red phosphor with high color purity, RSC Advances, 2021, 11,8282-8289.