[1] Zhi-E Liu, Wen-Fei Liu, Tong-Jie Zhang, Zhong-Xu Zhai, Kamal Bora, Probing the time variation of fine structure constant using galaxy clusters and quintessence model, Astrophysical Journal, 922(2021):19.
[2] Zhi-E Liu, Jie Zhang, Shu-Zheng Yang, Lorentz symmetry violation and beyond semiclassical theory in the curved space–time of the arbitrarily dimensional Reissner–Nordström black hole, Results in Physics, 2021(29): 104710.
[3] Zhi-E Liu, Yu-Zhen Liu, Xia Tan, Jie Zhang, Shu-Zheng Yang, Lorentz symmetry violation and accurate correction of bosons Hawking tunneling radiation for a stationary axisymmetric black hole, EPL, 134 (2021) 50008.
[4] Zhie Liu, Wuming Yang, Shaolan Bi, Zhijia Tian, et al. Asteroseismic analysis of the CoRoT target HD 49933, Astrophysical Journal (SCI 1区), 2014(780): 152.
[5] Zhie Liu, Shaolan Bi, Wuming Yang, et al. Exploring the sources of p-mode frequency shifts in the CoRoT target HD 49933, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (SCI 4区), 2014 (14): 683-692.
[6] Zhie Liu, Haoran Yu, Tongjie Zhang, et al. Direct reconstruction of dynamical dark energy from observational Hubble parameter data, Physics of the Dark Universe (SCI, 1区), 2016 (14): 21-28.
[7] Zhi-E Liu, Hao-Feng Qin, Jie Zhang, Tong-Jie Zhang, Hao-Ran Yu, Reconstructing equation of state of dark energy with principal component analysis, Physics of the Dark Universe (SCI, 1区), 2019 (26): 100379.
[8] Zhie Liu, Xia Tan, Bei Sha, Yuzhen Liu, Jie Zhang, Correction to the Tunneling Radiation of Arbitrary Spin Fermions in Kerr Anti-de-Sitter Black Hole, Modern Physics Letters A, 2020, 33(1): 2050055. (SCI 4区)
[9] Zhi-E Liu, Xia Tan, Jie Zhang and Shu-Zheng Yang, Hawking temperature of Kerr anti-de-Sitter black hole affected by Lorentz symmetry violating, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2021, 73: 045402. (2021.2.25, SCI 3区)
[10] Zhi-E Liu, Xia Tan, Yu-Zhen Liu, Bei Sha, Jie Zhang, and Shu-Zheng Yang, Hawking radiation of Reissner-Nordström de Sitter Black Hole with a Global Monopole derived from modified Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Canadian Journal of Physics, 2021(99): 451-454.
[11] Zhi-E Liu, Yan-Ke Tang, Ning Gai, Solar-like Oscillations of the Red Giant ɛ Ophiuchi, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2008 (32): 380-387. (CSCD)
[12] Bei Sha, Zhi-E Liu, Yu-Zhen Liu, Xia Tan, Jie Zhang, Shu-Zheng Yang, Accurate correction of arbitrary spin fermions quantum tunneling from non-stationary Kerr-de Sitter black hole based on corrected Lorentz dispersion relations, Chinese Physics C, 2020, 44(12): 125104.
[13] Bei Sha , Zhi-E Liu, Xia Tan, Yu-Zhen Liu, and Jie Zhang, The Accurate Modification of Tunneling Radiation of Fermions with Arbitrary Spin in Kerr-de Sitter Black Hole Space-Time, Advances in High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020: 3238401.
[14] Jie Zhang, Zhi-E Liu, Bei Sha, Xia Tan, Yu-Zhen Liu and Shu Zheng Yang, Influence of Lorentz Invariation Violation on Arbitrarily Spin Fermions Tunneling Radiation in the Vaidya-Bonner Spacetime, Advances in High Energy Physics, 2020: 2742091, arXiv:2002.05946 [hep-th].
[15] Jie Zhang, Zhie Liu, Bei Sha, Xia Tan and Yuzhen Liu, Influence of modified light dispersion theory on fermion tunneling radiation in the Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-axion black hole, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2020, 72: 045402.
[16] Yuzhen Liu, Bei Sha, Xia Tan, Zhie Liu, Jie Zhang, Modification to Tunneling Radiation of Arbityary Spin Fermions in Stationary Axisymmetric Sen Black Hole Space-time. Canadian Journal of Physics, 2020 (98)(11): 999-1003.
[17] Fang-Zhen Li, Zhi-E Liu, Xiu-Yuan Li, Li-Mei Bu, Hong-Xia Bu, Hui Liu1, Cai-Ming Zhang. Chromatin 3D structure reconstruction with consideration of adjacency relationship among genomic loci, BMC Bioinformatics (2020) 21: 272. (SCI收录)
[18] Hongxia Bu, Haibin Zheng, Hongcai Zhou, Hongyu Zhang, Zaifa Yang, Zhie Liu, Qi Xu, The role of sp2 and sp3 hybridized bonds on the structural, mechanical, and electronic properties in a hard BN framework, RSC Advances (SCI 3区), 2019 (9): 2657-2665.
[19] Hongxia Bu, Haibin Zheng, Hongcai Zhou, Hongyu Zhang, Zaifa Yang, Zhie Liu, and Xia Tan, Electronic and mechanical properties of C/Si phases with sp2 and sp3 hybridization: A first-principles study, AIP Advances, 2018, 8: 075326 (SCI 4区)
[20] Tong-Jie Zhang, Yang Liu, Zhi-E Liu, Hao-Yi Wan, Ting-Ting Zhang, Bao-Quan Wang, The constraint ability of Hubble parameter by gravitational wave standard sirens on cosmological parameters, European Physical Journal C (SCI, 1区), 2019 (79): 900.
[21] Zhijia Tian, Shaolan Bi, Zhie Liu, et al. Asteroseismic analysis of solar-like star KIC 6225718: constraints on stellar parameters and core overshooting, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (SCI 2区), 2014 (445): 2999-3008.
[22] Wuming Yang, Shaolan Bi, Xiangcun Meng, Zhie Liu, The Effects of Rotation on the Main-sequence Turnoff of Intermediate-age Massive Star Clusters, Astrophysical Journal (SCI, 1区), 2013 (776): 112.
[23] Kang Liu, Shaolan Bi, Tanda Li, Zhie Liu, Zhijia Tian and Zhishuai Ge, Precise determination of fundamental parameters of six exoplanet host stars and their planets, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (SCI, 4区), 2014 (14): 1447-1457.
[24] Z. S. Ge, S. L. Bi, T. D. Li, K. Liu, Z. J. Tian, W. M. Yang, Z. E. Liu and J. Yu, Asteroseismic analysis of two α-enhanced stars KIC 7976303 and KIC 8694723, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (SCI 2区), 2015 (447): 680-690.
[25] Bei Sha, Zhi-E Liu, Xia Tan, Yu-Zhen Liu, Jie Zhang, Hawking Tunneling Radiation of Global Monopole Charged Black Hole in Lorentz Invariance Violating Scalar Field, Advances in Astrophysics, 2020, 5 (1): 12-17. (非SCI)
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1. 刘志娥,张同杰,2018年度山东省高等学校科学技术奖二等奖,2018BK20034。
2. 刘志娥,2017年度betway88必威手机网页版bw61校级优秀科研成果奖一等奖。